Yoga-Wanderung mit Picknick

We will be venturing out into nature for a Bhavani yogic walk once again on Sunday, the 30th of September. Children and dogs welcome!

What to expect: A gentle 2-3 hour meditative walk through the Vienna forest, engaging with the practice of walking meditation to heighten awareness of our inner experience will be rounded off by a small picnic and plenty of time to gently externalize and enjoy the good company.

The walk will be part of a cumulative series exploring engaging with Nature through yogic practice. In the subsequent walks elements of mantra chanting will be added.

What to bring: Something tasty to share with everyone

When: 9AM, Sunday, September 30th

Where: Meeting place at the Ticket machine, platform level, Westbahnhof

In case you need to contact us: 0699/11756117 Nadeshda

Further dates for Bhavani Yogic Walks:
Sunday October 30th
Sunday December 16th


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    30 Sep 2018


    09:00 - 14:00


    Für alle

